Corporate Responsibility

RAW Search Corporate Social Responsibility Policy

1.0 Introduction

This policy serves as a guide for all stakeholders, emphasizing RAW Search's commitment to responsible business conduct and positive relationships within our operational environment.

2.0 Standards of Business Conduct

We adhere to rigorous ethical, professional, and legal standards.

3.0 Health and Safety

Health and safety are paramount in our operations. We prioritize protecting the well-being of employees and others, maintaining a trained and competent workforce, and fostering a people-centric approach. Monthly discussions and continuous improvement efforts underscore our dedication.

4.0 Commitment to Our People

We strive to be an 'Employer of Choice,' valuing our people as our greatest asset. Our commitment to diversity is outlined in our D&I Policy.

5.0 Commitment to our Customers

Our business relies on customer satisfaction. All employees are responsible for reflecting professionalism, efficiency, and honesty in their interactions, delivering high-quality service and value for money.

6.0 Our Impact on the Environment

We aim to reduce our environmental impact through continual improvement and compliance with international standards.

7.0 Working in Partnership with Suppliers

Suppliers are seen as partners, and we collaborate to meet policy aspirations. We ensure workers' welfare and labour conditions meet or exceed standards, while encouraging environmentally friendly practices.

8.0 Our Impact on Our Communities

Recognizing our societal impact, we manage it responsibly, aiming for continuous improvement in our social responsibility program. We encourage business partners to implement relevant corporate social responsibilities.

9.0 Scope

This policy applies across RAW Search to all directors and employees, governing our approach to all activities.

10.0 Responsibility

Primary responsibility for policy maintenance lies with the Co-Founders.